Bismellah Adil Aimaq
- Photo of Victim
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- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Aimaq
- District geolocation of incident
- Firozkoh (Chaghcharan): 34° 31′ 56″ N, 65° 14′ 49″ E
- Description of incident
Bismellah Adel Imaq, the manager of Sade Gho Radio, was assassinated on 1 January 2021 by unknown armed men in the Barahkhane area in the west of Firuzkoh City, the capital of Ghor Province.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statements
Amir Mohammad Ansari Baloch
- Photo of Victim
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- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Baloch
- District geolocation of incident
- Kandahar: 31° 37′ 52″ N, 65° 44′ 31″ E
- Description of incident
In 2007, while traveling from Herat to Kandahar, Amir Mohammad Ansari Baloch was captured by the Taliban and held for ransom. In 2008, despite the Taliban's promise to release him after receiving the ransom money, they killed him.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
Ghulam Reza
- Photo of Victim
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- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Baloch
- District geolocation of incident
- Kajran: 33° 14′ 38″ N, 65° 27′ 49″ E
- Witness/Survivor Statement
وقتی از او یاد میکنند، روز روشن سرم تاریک میشود
راوی: محمدگل بلوچ (برادر قربانی)
قربانی: غلامرضا
زمان حادثه: ماه قوس سال ۱۳۹۷
مکان حادثه: در مسیر هلمند، منطقه گرشک، ولسوالی کجران ولایت دایکندی
من محمدگل از قوم بلوچ هستم. جای اصلی ما ولسوالی کجران ولایت دایکندی [است] و از قریه قلای لَش [هستم.] اسم شهید ما غلامرضا [است] و برادرم [میشود.] سالش؟ در تذکرهاش، در همین وقتی که شهید شدند فقط به همین برج پنجم [بود] که این ششم برج است. شش ماه میشود که شهید شدهاند. در ذهن مه نیست که در تذکریش چنده که از پیش خود من بگویم که ۴۵ ساله یه، در ذهن من نیه. تذکرهاش همرایم هست. اینها که از اینجا میرفت، شش نفر زیر موتر شدند. از همان ولسوالی کجران بودند، جنگ بود و آمدیم ولایت هرات. نزدیک هفت هشت سال میشود. باز اینها از همین قوما-اینطوری نیست که فامیلی نزدیک باشد- از همان قوم بلوچ بودند، سه نفر از همین قریه به همراه سه تای دیگه از مردم قندهار بود، همراه شده بود میرفت طرف منطقه، بالای زمین کشاورزی خود که ببیند چه هست. اینها به منطقه کجران میرفت، بلی آه. باز همین بود که در منطقه «خرخورده» اینها را مین بالا میکند. دیگه همین سه تای ما که مین بالا کرد، وقتی که ما خبر شدیم، خودم رفتم دیگه قوما هم آمده بود. دیگه در تشییع جنازه شاو ده نل (شاید منظورش شبانه است) خوده رساندم، روز که حرکت کردم شب رسیدم.
از منطقه خواهرزادهام زنگ زد برایم. آنها چون به کجران خیلی نزدیکاند. مین را طالبان گذاشته بودند، طالبان قتل کرد بخدا، منطقه کجران را قتل کرده، همین حالا منطقه جنگ است، ۲۴ ساعت جنگ است. روزی که کرزی صاحب سر تخت نشست، ۱۲ سال تاکنون سمت باغران و چارچینی حکومت نتوانسته. همین حالا جنگ روان است. دولت است، [در] همین منطقه کجران دولت است، او طرف هم طالب این طرف هم طالب. دیگه جنگ است، اردو هم است، اربکی هم است، پولیس هم است. از روزی که کرزی صاحب شیشته سنگر است، یعنی نمیتواند اصلا. اردو اگر نبودی همین اربکی اگر نبودی، پولیس محلی نباشه هر لحظه روی کجران جنگه. از روزی که غنی شده، نه پیش از او هم، زمان کرزی صاحب دوازده سال در باغران رفته نتوانسته. همین جنگ [است]، شب در منطقه مین گور کو، مینهای کنترولی که هیچ مسلمانها خبر ندارند. در سطح ولایت دایکندی از منطقه کجران بیشتر شهید نداده در افغانستان. گفتم که از فامیل خودم چهار تا شهید دادم. داماد ما شهید شده، باجه مه شهید که آنها را من نیاوردم سیاه سرهایش هم آنجا هستند، که هرکدام چهار یا پنج یتیم دارند، در کجران هیچ خانوادۀ نیست که شهید نداده باشد. که چهار تا یتیم یکش دارد پنج تا هم دیگرش که یکی دامادم میشود دیگرش هم باجهام میشود. منطقه کجران بیاعضای شهدا نیست.
امروز برای مردم خدمت میکنم و در هیچ مشکلات اشک مه نامده، مگر امروز که اینجا دیدم اشکهایم بالا آمد (گریه میکند) در طول عمر به قرآن اگر مشکلات سرم تأثیر کرده باشد، اما امروز عکس برادرم را دیدم اشکم جاری شد، داغ از دست دادن برادر خیلی سخت است(گریه می کند). برادرم ازدواج کرده بود، سه تا اولاد دارد که دو تا پسر است و یک تا دختر؛ اولادهایش یکی سن ۱۲ و دو تای دیگر پشتسر اوست، فرزند بزرگش پسر است، در همانجا متولد شده بود.
ما که رفتیم آنها را به مسجد برده بودند. دیگه نمیشد، کالای آنها همین پایین به بالا گوشت و خون بود. همین رواج ما است که شهید را هیچ چیز را از جانش نکشیم، با همان کالایش -مسجد خیلی خنک بود، همین تیرماه بود دیگه- ما هم رسیدیم قبر و تمام چیزها را جور کرده بود، فقط در همان مسجد داخل کفن با همان کالایش پیچ داده بود، فقط دیدارش را کردیم. از پایین به بالا دیگه خیلی صدمه دیده بود، نیاز به دیدن نبود، فقط رویش را دیدم.
برای ما که اطلاع آمد ساعتهای یازده بجه بود، یازده صبح. برای ما از کجران زنگ زدند ساعتهای یازده بود، که من آن را یادداشت گرفتم. اینش را نمیدانم که ساعتهای ۱۰ بجه بوده مقصد ساعت یازده به ما خبر دادند که بیایید. طالبان میگویند ما نکردهایم کس دیگر کرده، طالبان همانجا میروند و میآیند، موترها میرود و میآید. اگر چه تا حدی که بشناسند که ملکی است و بیغرض میباشند کاری با آنها ندارند، اگر یک وقت بفهمد که برادر کسی پولیس یا اربکی است، او را میگیرند. چند تا که در همان وقتها گرفته بود، از موتر تا کرده بود، یکی که برادرش را یوسف میگفت را پایین کرده بود، به یک گوشش فیر کرده و مرمی از گوش دیگرش بیرون شده بود و به او گفته بودند که چرا برادرت اربکی است.
در این شکل اگر شناسایی کنند که بشناسه که برادرش پولیس است یا اربکی یه یا مثلا چیزیه میکشند، اگر نشناسد بازهم غرض نداره. دیگه راهی [هم] نداره خو راه منطقه از همانجا است. برادرم کشاورز بود و برای کار رفته بود، زمین پدری همانجا است. مه خود مه نرفتم بیخی دل مه از همان منطقه سرد شده آنطور سرد شده که خدا میداند.
اگرچه که من بگویم زندگی خوبه، نه فقط شب و روز تیر میشه. وقتی که تو مهاجر باشی و اینجا بیایی و پول نداشته باشی، امروز در همان قریه که قریه نایبی میگه که همانجا یکنیم جریب زمینواری یه، کشاورزی یه، دیگه او تو چیزی نداره. مقصد یک روزگار میچله دیگه. خانمش بیچاره که من بگویم ماشین کار کرده باشد نه، یا گلدوزی کار کرده باشد نه، همین ماشینهای ساده کار میکرد به منطقه، اینجا دیگه نه. پشم و این چیزها زنها میآورند در قریه اما خوب معلومات ندارم. سه طفلش مکتب میرود، هرسه تایش به مکتب شیخآباد میگه، همانجا میره.
خواستهام این است که خدایا مرگ زیر لحاف به مه نکنی، همانگونه که برادرم شهید شده، جام شهادت از خدا میخواهم. این آرزوی مه است در خاطره هم نوشته کردم. جام شهادت میخواهم که اصلا اگر خدا مره زیر لحاف میکند نکند، اگر مه بنده خاص تو ام، بگذار که جام شهادت را بنوشم، هرچه که شد. این آرزو را از خدا دارم.
بسیار یک اخلاق خاص داشت. همین اخلاق خاصش که بیادم میآید دلم آتش میگیرد(گریه راوی). به خاطر خوبی و مهربانیهایش دلم میسوزد، وقتی دوستانش نزد من غلامرضا میگویند و از او یاد میکنند، روز روشن سر من شب تاریک میشود، حالا از او چه بگویم، به آنها نیز میگویم که او را نزد من یاد نکنید، قلبم آتش میگیرد، حالا که رفته نیست، اما غمهایش کمرم را شکسته است. جوانمرگی بسیار سخت است، ما سه برادر بودیم او برادر کوچکم بود، نزد ما بسیار نازدانه بود و او را بسیار دوست داشتیم، احترام مرا خیلی داشت، همۀ ما میمیریم، ما هم پشت سر آنها میرویم، لیکن همین داغی را که برای یکدیگر خود میگذاریم بسیار سخت است.
Haji SherMohammad
- Photo of Victim
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- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Baloch
- District geolocation of incident
- Kabul: 34° 31′ 1″ N, 69° 8′ 60″ E
- Description of incident
Known as the "Killing of AGSA," it refers to the collective murder of opponents of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan in the Pul-e-Charkhi Prison in Kabul between 1978 and 1979. The Afghan Intelligence Office, or AGSA (Afghan Agency for Safeguarding National Interest), led by Asadullah Sarwari, had arrested nearly 150,000 people, out of which an estimated number of 27,000 political prisoners were put to death without a single trial, probe, or even allegation. Many Afghan families had no idea where their loved ones had disappeared in the latter part of 1978 and early 1979. A list of those slain that included 5,000 victims of AGSA mass executions was made public by the Dutch Prosecutor's Office in 2013.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
Mohammad Amin
- Photo of Victim
- Loading
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Baloch
- District geolocation of incident
- Kabul: 34° 31′ 1″ N, 69° 8′ 60″ E
- Description of incident
Known as the "Killing of AGSA," it refers to the collective murder of opponents of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan in the Pul-e-Charkhi Prison in Kabul between 1978 and 1979. The Afghan Intelligence Office, or AGSA (Afghan Agency for Safeguarding National Interest), led by Asadullah Sarwari, had arrested nearly 150,000 people, out of which an estimated number of 27,000 political prisoners were put to death without a single trial, probe, or even allegation. Many Afghan families had no idea where their loved ones had disappeared in the latter part of 1978 and early 1979. A list of those slain that included 5,000 victims of AGSA mass executions was made public by the Dutch Prosecutor's Office in 2013.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
Mohammad Qasim Sherzad
- Photo of Victim
- Loading
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Baloch
- District geolocation of incident
- Kabul: 34° 31′ 1″ N, 69° 8′ 60″ E
- Description of incident
Known as the "Killing of AGSA," it refers to the collective murder of opponents of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan in the Pul-e-Charkhi Prison in Kabul between 1978 and 1979. The Afghan Intelligence Office, or AGSA (Afghan Agency for Safeguarding National Interest), led by Asadullah Sarwari, had arrested nearly 150,000 people, out of which an estimated number of 27,000 political prisoners were put to death without a single trial, probe, or even allegation. Many Afghan families had no idea where their loved ones had disappeared in the latter part of 1978 and early 1979. A list of those slain that included 5,000 victims of AGSA mass executions was made public by the Dutch Prosecutor's Office in 2013.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
Mohammad Yonos Sherzad
- Photo of Victim
- Loading
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Baloch
- District geolocation of incident
- Kabul: 34° 31′ 1″ N, 69° 8′ 60″ E
- Description of incident
Known as the "Killing of AGSA," it refers to the collective murder of opponents of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan in the Pul-e-Charkhi Prison in Kabul between 1978 and 1979. The Afghan Intelligence Office, or AGSA (Afghan Agency for Safeguarding National Interest), led by Asadullah Sarwari, had arrested nearly 150,000 people, out of which an estimated number of 27,000 political prisoners were put to death without a single trial, probe, or even allegation. Many Afghan families had no idea where their loved ones had disappeared in the latter part of 1978 and early 1979. A list of those slain that included 5,000 victims of AGSA mass executions was made public by the Dutch Prosecutor's Office in 2013.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
Mohammad Hassan
- Photo of Victim
- Loading
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Bayat
- District geolocation of incident
- Kabul: 34° 31′ 1″ N, 69° 8′ 60″ E
- Description of incident
In the morning, I wanted to find someone to go to hospital with so that we were not alone if any of us got injured on the way. When I left the house, I raised my hand. There was a house close to ours. Someone from the roof of it shot me. It was 7 AM. Another person was watching me from the front house. He told me to enter the house before I get shot again. I went. He tied my hand. He said, “Uncle, the bleeding does not stop.” In that moment, my blanket (men’s scarf) slipped down. A woman ran to take it. Just then, a rocket was fired and the poor woman was killed. A boy riding his bicycle was passing by. He was killed by a Kalashnikov bullet. He had no one to look after him.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
Mechanic! The Bad Luck That I am Suffering from Happened to You Too
Name: Mohammad Hasan
Date of Birth: 2 April 1942
Date of Injury: 8 March 1994
Type of Arm: Kalashnikov
More than ten people were killed that night, my son included. We were digging a grave for my son. We were almost done when rockets started firing again. Everyone left and wished peace for my son. They said they didn't want to be killed. I was left alone. There was no one else. I wished my son was a kid so I could pick him up and put him in his grave.
I entered the alley and knocked on a door. There were many people in that house. They all refuged to a corner of the house. When I told them the story, some of them said they are no better than my son. They followed me to the mosque to take my son’s corpse to the cemetery. We buried my son in the dark.
After we were done, no one was left there. I was wondering how to go home. I returned home in the darkness. When I came home, I saw that my wife was sitting very sad with a neighbor next to her. She told me that Nilofar was wounded. None of us had seen her. A neighbor took her to the hospital. The neighbor told me that Nilofar was on the roof. When the rocket hit our house, our son was killed instantly and Nilofar was injured. She was jolting in the yard, and the neighbor took her to the hospital.
That night passed. In the morning, I wanted to find someone to go to the hospital with so that we were not alone if any of us were injured on the way. When I left the house, I raised my hand. There was a house close to ours. Someone from the roof of it shot me. It was 7 AM. Another person was watching me from the front house. He told me to enter the house before I get shot again. I went. He tied my hand. He said, “Uncle, the bleeding does not stop.” In that moment my blanket (men’s scarf) slipped down. A woman ran to take it. Just then, a rocket was fired and the poor woman was killed. A boy riding his bicycle was passing by. He was killed by a Kalashnikov bullet. He had no one to look after him.
Members of the house that I had entered told me that if the bleeding did not stop, it could kill me. He said to get up and go somewhere from the back way. I thanked him. My hand was bleeding. I stepped down the first and second stairs, but fell down the third stair and lost consciousness.
When I woke up, there were two boys next to me. The tied my hand with a piece of cloth and were giving me syrup. They told me, ”Uncle, there is fighting everywhere. We cannot find anything in the bazar. We will take you outside. You might find a car. Take yourself to a hospital.” After they took me outside, they ran back. I realized that no one was outside.
There were bullets being shot everywhere. I thought I was going to be killed. I wanted to enter an alley but I fell down. After some minutes, there was a bullet shot next to me. I tried to get up, but again my sight grew dim. Someone I knew very well was passing by. He was the District Chief of the 16th District. I told him, “Sir, help me to take myself to a hospital.” He replied, “You are about to die, and want me to get killed too.”
Just then, two young boys riding bicycles appeared. They got down and looked at me. One of them said, "There is someone killed." When I heard them told them that I am alive, helped me to get to the hospital. One of them said, "Leave him alone, we will be killed." But the other one said, “No, let’s help him. He has come out of his home and is injured.” One of them held me up to ride the bicycle.
I asked them, “Where are you taking me?” He said, “There is not a fight in the village. But in here, you can be killed by a bullet any time.” He tied the blanket around my shoulder and moved. A few steps further, I saw one of my friends. I was happy to see him. He was aware of what had happened to my family in the last two days and when he saw me, came toward me. I told the boys that he was a friend, and if it is possible leave me with him so that he helps me. The boys asked him, “Uncle, can you help him? We have to go and see how our families are.” He helped me and we entered a house.
There was food inside the house that we entered, plates were filled with rice and breads and were left untouched. When the fighting got intense, they house members had ran away without touching their food.
I asked him how he could help me. I told him that I had enough money with me, find a driver and give him as much as he wants. He left the house. After some minutes he returned and said there were no cars outside. I was wondering what to do. I gave him the address of a doctor I knew and asked him to tell the doctor that the mechanic is injured. Thankfully, he agreed and left. When he returned, he said that houses’ members have all left the house and the house was empty. He had no clue where they were.
Suddenly, I remembered a commander I knew. Almost a month ago, he lost three of his family members, his father and two of his brothers.
The person who was with me knew him too and told me that he had just seen him outside. I asked him to go out and tell the commander that mechanic is injured; he knows me.
After a few minutes, the commander came and told me, “The bad luck I am suffering from happened to you too.” I said, “Yeah, I lost my son and my three-year-old daughter is injured. I don’t know how my family is and they don’t know where I am.”
The commander called in his soldiers and they took me to a Russian Jeep. They took me to the Wazir Akbar Khan Hospital. I don’t remember anything after we got close to the hospital. I just remember that they put me on a blanket. There were three people wearing masks, one of them injected me with Anesthetic Ampoule, I was unconscious after that. When I woke up, my hand hurt. I looked around to see where I was. When I took a careful look, there were three more people on the ground and they were injured like me. We were all on the third floor and were lying on the ground so that we were safe from bullets. We were lying in the corridor. Many people were injured. I saw one of my relatives. He was injured too. I asked him to let my sister know that I am in the hospital. After three days, my sister could inform my wife about me. They had looked for me in all the nearby hospitals and could not find me.
Even now, my hand is numb. If it is wounded or burned, I don’t feel it. It took two months for my wound to get better. “Every night, I walk to my duty to find bread to feed my children, to be able to send them to school. We are a populated family.”
Dr. Ahmad Reshad Latifi
- Photo of Victim
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- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Puli Khumri: 35° 56′ 49″ N, 68° 42′ 16″ E
- Description of incident
A deadly blast rocked a Shia mosque in Puli Khumri City, Baghlan Province, on October 13, 2023, killing and injuring dozens of people. The Imam Zaman Shiite mosque in the second district of the city was packed with worshippers for Friday prayers when the explosion happened. Witnesses told local media that the blast was caused by explosives hidden inside the mosque. Some residents claimed that it was a suicide attack aimed at the Shia and Hazara communities. The attack left at least 20 people dead and 66 others wounded, according to ground records conducted by AHRDO.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
Sha Husain Anwari
- Photo of Victim
- Loading
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Puli Khumri: 35° 56′ 49″ N, 68° 42′ 16″ E
- Description of incident
A deadly blast rocked a Shia mosque in Puli Khumri City, Baghlan Province, on October 13, 2023, killing and injuring dozens of people. The Imam Zaman Shiite mosque in the second district of the city was packed with worshippers for Friday prayers when the explosion happened. Witnesses told local media that the blast was caused by explosives hidden inside the mosque. Some residents claimed that it was a suicide attack aimed at the Shia and Hazara communities. The attack left at least 20 people dead and 66 others wounded, according to ground records conducted by AHRDO.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Photo of Victim
- Loading
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Balkh: 36° 45′ 19″ N, 66° 53′ 48″ E
- Description of incident
آنطوریکه راوی داستان حسن یعنی خدیجه عزیزی میگوید حادثه برای آنها نامعلوم است و قبر حسن هم نامعلوم است.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
مردگیش درگ نداره راوی: خدیجه عزیزی (دختر کاکا) قربانی: حسن زمان حادثه: ۱۳۷۷ مکان حادثه: مزار شریف [نامم] جدیجه [و تخلصم] عزیزی [است] آری. [شهید نامش] حسن [است]. پسر کاکایم میشد و ایورم. یگان ۲۵ ساله بود که شهید شد. در خود یکاولنگ، در قریه زارین متولد شده بود. [حسن] غریب کار بود دهقانی نمیکرد، گاهی وقت دهقانی هم میکرد، مقصد کار میکرد در شهر ملکها کار میکرد. گاهی به مزار میرفت گاهی به کابل، بامیان [برای کار کردن میرفت]. [محل شهادتش] مزار [شریف است]. حسن وقتی که به شهادت رسید همرایش یک بچه خالهاش و یک بچه عمه من یک بچه تغه/طغه من هم بود همهاش در مزار غرق شدند. 1 [در حمله طالبان به مزارشریف] شهید شد. کارگری، آری در مزار برای کارگری رفته بود. [حادثه] سرِبهار بود، آری سربهار. [همان سال ۱۳۷۷] البته، من آنقدرش را نمیفهمم. نه، درس نخوانده بود فقط یک سیاهی خوان بود، درس نخوانده بود. آری [خانهاش در] سرآسیاب بود. نه، نه قبرش سرگُم رفت ما ندیدیم. (نامفهوم) ما دیدیم که شهید شد، خیلی کسان [دیگر هم شهید شد] همان بچه خالهشی همین بچه عمه من همینها هیچ مردگیاش درک ندارد. خیلی دیر بعد قومها جمع شد گفت ما به چشم خود دیدیم کشته شد. آری گفتند طالبها کشته بچُوم که چه رقم کشته. خبر داشتیم یک عکس سیاه و سفید از کابل روان کرده بود، همینطور یگان نشانی روان میکرد احوالش را یگان دکاندار میآورد، گاهی خودش میآمد. تیرماه [خبر شدیم] و پدر و مادرش را شنواندیم. مادرش سهو شد از آن پس خیلی دیوانگی میکرد، گپهای ایله کاله میگفت بیچاره. آری از خاطر همان [مرگ نوجوانش] آب یخ میخورد دیگر چیزی خورده نمیتوانست. بیخی شب در خانه نمیآمد روز تا بیگاه و شب تا صبح را میگشت و میگفت دلم سرخ میآید؛ همینطور میگشت بیچاره. پدرش خوب بود، غنیمت بود به اندازهٔ مادرش کُوتو نمیکرد. [وقتی پدر و مادرش را خبر کردند بعد از آن آنها هیچ سرقبرش نرفتند چون] او گم شد، هیچ قبر نداشت. خیلی آدم خوبی بود، کارگر بود، زحمتکش بود، یگان کَرَد میآورد، ما خیلی... آنطور که... گاه چیز نبود یک روغن نباتی ایلفی بود در همان دوره، برنج پرمل بود، کار که میکرد از آنها به ما میآورد، خوب بود، خیلی بچه قاشواز بود. خانه نمینشست. آنجا کار کردن میرفت، گاهی غزنی میرفت، گاهی کابل گاهی بامیان. آری مجرد بود، خانه دار نبود. دایم او را ازبک میگفت، سید و هزاره به نام اوزبک میشناخت، قد بنلد داشت و خوبشی بود. او دایم کوله پکول سر میکرد. پَک گُم شد. یکدانه قاشق داشت، قاشق قدیمی ارمنه که از او بود. یک ساعتش تا بعدها بود [اما] خراب، اگر بچهها بیرون نینداخته باشند. [پدرش] آری دو سال شده فوت کرده، مادرش یک دو سال پیش [از پدرش فوت کرد] یعنی چهار سال میشود. آری [مادرش تا آخر عمر] یادش را میکرد. مادرش از همان خاطر مریض شد، پای درد شد، کم فکر شد، خیلی کم فکر شد. آری [وقتی زنده بود با پدرش خرج خانه را فراهم میکردند]. پدرش که ماند هم در گردن او(شوهر خدیجه عزیزی) بود و مادرش هم. زیاد نفر که قتل شد هیچ کس هم جستجو نتوانست که پیدا شود، از هیچ کس پیدا نشد. نه، نه هیچ چیزی نگفت [روزی که طرف مزار میرفت] او که میرفت از دشت میرفت و هیچ در قصهاش هم نبود که خبر کنم یا نکنم هیچ در غمش نبود، میرفت همانطور. آری [نترس بود] هیچ در غمش نبود. ما آنجا را ندیدیم، میگفتیم کجایه؟ [میگفتند] کابله! کابل را ندیدیم، مزار را همین حالا هم ندیدهام، کابل را هم آنطور ندیدیم یک بار همانطور گذری رفتیم. میرفت همانجا، ما دیگه سیاسریم ندیدیم که کجا میرود یا نمیرود. باز میآمد، میرفت، قدیم یک خط میآمد. تلفن نبود، نه برق بود نه تلفن بود هیچ چیز هم نبود. در اول [حکومت] کرزی جنراتور پیدا شد که برق آمد. خانه که میآمد هیچ قصه نمیکرد، هیچ چیز نمیگفت.
Hussainali Qasimi
- Photo of Victim
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- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Yakawlang: 34° 44′ 50″ N, 66° 56′ 40″ E
- Description of incident
- Witness/Survivor Statement
Habibullah Wafaei
- Photo of Victim
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- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Puli Khumri: 35° 56′ 49″ N, 68° 42′ 16″ E
- Description of incident
A deadly blast rocked a Shia mosque in Puli Khumri City, Baghlan Province, on October 13, 2023, killing and injuring dozens of people. The Imam Zaman Shiite mosque in the second district of the city was packed with worshippers for Friday prayers when the explosion happened. Witnesses told local media that the blast was caused by explosives hidden inside the mosque. Some residents claimed that it was a suicide attack aimed at the Shia and Hazara communities. The attack left at least 20 people dead and 66 others wounded, according to ground records conducted by AHRDO.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
Mohammad Juma Akbari
- Photo of Victim
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- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Puli Khumri: 35° 56′ 49″ N, 68° 42′ 16″ E
- Description of incident
A deadly blast rocked a Shia mosque in Puli Khumri City, Baghlan Province, on October 13, 2023, killing and injuring dozens of people. The Imam Zaman Shiite mosque in the second district of the city was packed with worshippers for Friday prayers when the explosion happened. Witnesses told local media that the blast was caused by explosives hidden inside the mosque. Some residents claimed that it was a suicide attack aimed at the Shia and Hazara communities. The attack left at least 20 people dead and 66 others wounded, according to ground records conducted by AHRDO.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
Salim Saheb Nazar
- Photo of Victim
- Loading
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Puli Khumri: 35° 56′ 49″ N, 68° 42′ 16″ E
- Description of incident
A deadly blast rocked a Shia mosque in Puli Khumri City, Baghlan Province, on October 13, 2023, killing and injuring dozens of people. The Imam Zaman Shiite mosque in the second district of the city was packed with worshippers for Friday prayers when the explosion happened. Witnesses told local media that the blast was caused by explosives hidden inside the mosque. Some residents claimed that it was a suicide attack aimed at the Shia and Hazara communities. The attack left at least 20 people dead and 66 others wounded, according to ground records conducted by AHRDO.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
Alimadad Jafari
- Photo of Victim
- Loading
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Puli Khumri: 35° 56′ 49″ N, 68° 42′ 16″ E
- Description of incident
A deadly blast rocked a Shia mosque in Puli Khumri City, Baghlan Province, on October 13, 2023, killing and injuring dozens of people. The Imam Zaman Shiite mosque in the second district of the city was packed with worshippers for Friday prayers when the explosion happened. Witnesses told local media that the blast was caused by explosives hidden inside the mosque. Some residents claimed that it was a suicide attack aimed at the Shia and Hazara communities. The attack left at least 20 people dead and 66 others wounded, according to ground records conducted by AHRDO.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Photo of Victim
- Loading
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Bamyan: 34° 48′ 44″ N, 67° 49′ 14″ E
Abozar Rasoli
- Photo of Victim
- Loading
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Puli Khumri: 35° 56′ 49″ N, 68° 42′ 16″ E
- Description of incident
A deadly blast rocked a Shia mosque in Puli Khumri City, Baghlan Province, on October 13, 2023, killing and injuring dozens of people. The Imam Zaman Shiite mosque in the second district of the city was packed with worshippers for Friday prayers when the explosion happened. Witnesses told local media that the blast was caused by explosives hidden inside the mosque. Some residents claimed that it was a suicide attack aimed at the Shia and Hazara communities. The attack left at least 20 people dead and 66 others wounded, according to ground records conducted by AHRDO.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
Mohammad Naieb Naderi
- Photo of Victim
- Loading
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Puli Khumri: 35° 56′ 49″ N, 68° 42′ 16″ E
- Description of incident
A deadly blast rocked a Shia mosque in Puli Khumri City, Baghlan Province, on October 13, 2023, killing and injuring dozens of people. The Imam Zaman Shiite mosque in the second district of the city was packed with worshippers for Friday prayers when the explosion happened. Witnesses told local media that the blast was caused by explosives hidden inside the mosque. Some residents claimed that it was a suicide attack aimed at the Shia and Hazara communities. The attack left at least 20 people dead and 66 others wounded, according to ground records conducted by AHRDO.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
Monajatsha Karimi
- Photo of Victim
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- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Puli Khumri: 35° 56′ 49″ N, 68° 42′ 16″ E
- Description of incident
A deadly blast rocked a Shia mosque in Puli Khumri City, Baghlan Province, on October 13, 2023, killing and injuring dozens of people. The Imam Zaman Shiite mosque in the second district of the city was packed with worshippers for Friday prayers when the explosion happened. Witnesses told local media that the blast was caused by explosives hidden inside the mosque. Some residents claimed that it was a suicide attack aimed at the Shia and Hazara communities. The attack left at least 20 people dead and 66 others wounded, according to ground records conducted by AHRDO.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
Chaman Ali Kamali
- Photo of Victim
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- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Sayyad: 35° 52′ 25″ N, 68° 25′ 51″ E
- Description of incident
On August 3, 2017, anti-government groups including the Taliban and local self-proclaimed Daesh/Islamic State affiliated fighters launched an attack against Mirza Olang Village in Sayyad District, Sari Pul Province. Fighting lasted until August 5th. The village, known as ‘the gate to Sayyad,’ lies deep in a long valley. Its southern entrance is near the border of neighbouring Faryab Province and is located 20 km south of the Sayyad District administrative centre. Much of the area surrounding the administrative centre has been under the control of anti-government groups for more than one year.
Haji Khadim Hussain Wahidi
- Photo of Victim
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- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Sayyad: 35° 52′ 25″ N, 68° 25′ 51″ E
- Description of incident
On August 3, 2017, anti-government groups including the Taliban and local self-proclaimed Daesh/Islamic State affiliated fighters launched an attack against Mirza Olang Village in Sayyad District, Sari Pul Province. Fighting lasted until August 5th. The village, known as ‘the gate to Sayyad,’ lies deep in a long valley. Its southern entrance is near the border of neighbouring Faryab Province and is located 20 km south of the Sayyad District administrative centre. Much of the area surrounding the administrative centre has been under the control of anti-government groups for more than one year.
Haji Ghulam Sakhi Kamali
- Photo of Victim
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- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Sayyad: 35° 52′ 25″ N, 68° 25′ 51″ E
- Description of incident
On August 3, 2017, anti-government groups including the Taliban and local self-proclaimed Daesh/Islamic State affiliated fighters launched an attack against Mirza Olang Village in Sayyad District, Sari Pul Province. Fighting lasted until August 5th. The village, known as ‘the gate to Sayyad,’ lies deep in a long valley. Its southern entrance is near the border of neighbouring Faryab Province and is located 20 km south of the Sayyad District administrative centre. Much of the area surrounding the administrative centre has been under the control of anti-government groups for more than one year.
Baqer Wahidy
- Photo of Victim
- Loading
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Sayyad: 35° 52′ 25″ N, 68° 25′ 51″ E
- Description of incident
On August 3, 2017, anti-government groups including the Taliban and local self-proclaimed Daesh/Islamic State affiliated fighters launched an attack against Mirza Olang Village in Sayyad District, Sari Pul Province. Fighting lasted until August 5th. The village, known as ‘the gate to Sayyad,’ lies deep in a long valley. Its southern entrance is near the border of neighbouring Faryab Province and is located 20 km south of the Sayyad District administrative centre. Much of the area surrounding the administrative centre has been under the control of anti-government groups for more than one year.
Sakhidad Tahiri
- Photo of Victim
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- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Mazar-e Sharif: 36° 41′ 38″ N, 67° 6′ 48″ E
- Description of incident
On August 7, 1998, following a renewed conflict with the Northern Front, Taliban forces entered Mazar-e-Sharif in Balkh Province. In the initial days, they detained and executed thousands of civilians, primarily Hazaras. Within the first 3 days, the Taliban forces declared a general massacre targeting the city's Shia population. According to witnesses, the scale of the violence left bodies strewn across the streets. It took days to remove all the bodies. Sakhidad Tahiri was among the civilian casualties of the Taliban's massacre.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
A Survivor of The Mazar-e- Sharif Genocide
Narrator: Suhaila
Victim: Sakhidad Tahiri, Hikmatullah
Date of the incident: August 09, 1998
Location of the incident: Mazar-e-Sharif city, airport, on the flight line
Suhaila is one of the survivors of the Mazar-e- Sharif genocide carried out by the Taliban. As a result of this genocide, 13 of her family members were killed, including her father and brother while Suheila was severely beaten up. Only two of the 13 dead relatives were later found and given a proper burial. She still does not know where the rest of her family members were buried. At times, she misses her father a lot and it is in those moments of difficulty that she would like to visit her father’s grave and complain to him about the hardships of her life. But she does not even know where her father’s grave is. A fact that deeply disturbs her.
Her only solace is a pearl box that her father made for her and she never abandons even for a minute. It is her most valuable reminder of him. A way for her to keep the memory of her father alive forever. It is also a symbol of all the evils of war. An evil that takes away the lives of loved ones and separates sons and daughters from their fathers, ending the kindest of all human relationships.
Sometimes these fathers disappear and their children have no idea about their whereabouts. Other times, it is the parents who are deprived of seeing their children again. For Suheila the pearl box represents a symbol for all those children who lost their fathers during Afghanistan’s many decades of war. She wants to keep it in her own museum to let the present and future generations know about her pain and suffering. In her view, the pearl box symbolizes the rejection of violence as a means to resolve conflict.
Suhaila’s Story
My father had just finished his lunch and gone back to work on his piece of land. In those times we had a lot of land and even owned a tractor. One day, the Taliban came and asked him to get down from the tractor without turning off the engine. They then went on and handcuffed him. When my brother came to see what was going on the Taliban arrested him too. Until today, I do not know what happened to them and how they were killed. Only one of my uncles survived. He told me that my father was killed and that he buried him but I never saw my father’s dead body. What I heard later is that the Taliban killed my father and brother with one single shot as they did not want to waste any bullets.
We escaped from our house as the Taliban closed in on the area that we were living at the time. We returned back home after a few days. The Taliban had attacked our village and taken whatever they could find. All the houses in our village had been burnt. Nothing was left in our homes as the Taliban had torched them all. The only thing I found was the pearl box that my father made for me while he was imprisoned during Najibullah’s regime. Since then, I have never let go of it and I am always very cautious not to lose it since it is very valuable for me. I decided to use it for the Memory Box project. This box is the most important thing in my life as it is the only thing left from my father.
The Taliban killed 13 family members of mine including my father, brother, uncles and cousins. Only two of them were found and buried.
- Photo of Victim
- Loading
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Mazar-e Sharif: 36° 41′ 38″ N, 67° 6′ 48″ E
- Description of incident
On August 7, 1998, following a renewed conflict with the Northern Front, Taliban forces entered Mazar-e-Sharif in Balkh Province. In the initial days, they detained and executed thousands of civilians, primarily Hazaras. Within the first 3 days, the Taliban forces declared a general massacre targeting the city's Shia population. According to witnesses, the scale of the violence left bodies strewn across the streets. It took days to remove all the bodies. Sharifullah was among the civilian casualties of the Taliban's massacre.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
Sardaro Ali
- Photo of Victim
- Loading
- Gender
- Female
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Arghandab: 31° 39′ 3″ N, 65° 38′ 59″ E
- Description of incident
On November 9, 2015, in Zabul Province, seven Hazara individuals were taken hostage and beheaded by the Islamic State. Among the victims was Shukria Tabassum, a nine-year-old child.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
Abdul Samad Amiri
- Photo of Victim
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- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Jalrez: 34° 37′ 46″ N, 68° 39′ 29″ E
- Description of incident
Abdul Samad Amiri, a human rights activist and the acting director of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC), was kidnapped by the Taliban on September 3, 2019, while traveling to Kabul. The Taliban held Amiri captive in the Jalriz district of Maidan Wardak Province. After being imprisoned for two days, Samad was brutally shot on September 5, 2019. His body was left out in the open for two days on the side of Highway No. 2 in the Taliban-held Jalriz area.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
Shawkat Ali
- Photo of Victim
- Loading
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Arghandab: 31° 39′ 3″ N, 65° 38′ 59″ E
- Description of incident
On November 9, 2015, in Zabul Province, seven Hazara individuals were taken hostage and beheaded by the Islamic State. Among the victims was Shukria Tabassum, a nine-year-old child.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
Sadiq Ali
- Photo of Victim
- Loading
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Arghandab: 31° 39′ 3″ N, 65° 38′ 59″ E
- Description of incident
On November 9, 2015, in Zabul Province, seven Hazara individuals were taken hostage and beheaded by the Islamic State. Among the victims was Shukria Tabassum, a nine-year-old child.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement