- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Bamyan: 34° 48′ 44″ N, 67° 49′ 14″ E
- Confidential?
- No
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Female
- Ethnicity
- Sadat
- District geolocation of incident
- Kabul: 34° 31′ 1″ N, 69° 8′ 60″ E
- Description of incident
The Sayed Al-Shuhada High School attack in Kabul was a devastating suicide bombing that occurred on May 8, 2021. The attack resulted in the tragic loss of approximately 85 lives, most of whom were teenage schoolgirls. Additionally, the incident left 147 people wounded. The bombing took place outside the Sayed Al-Shuhada school in the western outskirt of Kabul Hazara, the dominant area of Dash-et-Barchi.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statemetn
- Confidential?
- No
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Balkh: 36° 45′ 19″ N, 66° 53′ 48″ E
- Description of incident
آنطوریکه راوی داستان حسن یعنی خدیجه عزیزی میگوید حادثه برای آنها نامعلوم است و قبر حسن هم نامعلوم است.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
مردگیش درگ نداره راوی: خدیجه عزیزی (دختر کاکا) قربانی: حسن زمان حادثه: ۱۳۷۷ مکان حادثه: مزار شریف [نامم] جدیجه [و تخلصم] عزیزی [است] آری. [شهید نامش] حسن [است]. پسر کاکایم میشد و ایورم. یگان ۲۵ ساله بود که شهید شد. در خود یکاولنگ، در قریه زارین متولد شده بود. [حسن] غریب کار بود دهقانی نمیکرد، گاهی وقت دهقانی هم میکرد، مقصد کار میکرد در شهر ملکها کار میکرد. گاهی به مزار میرفت گاهی به کابل، بامیان [برای کار کردن میرفت]. [محل شهادتش] مزار [شریف است]. حسن وقتی که به شهادت رسید همرایش یک بچه خالهاش و یک بچه عمه من یک بچه تغه/طغه من هم بود همهاش در مزار غرق شدند. 1 [در حمله طالبان به مزارشریف] شهید شد. کارگری، آری در مزار برای کارگری رفته بود. [حادثه] سرِبهار بود، آری سربهار. [همان سال ۱۳۷۷] البته، من آنقدرش را نمیفهمم. نه، درس نخوانده بود فقط یک سیاهی خوان بود، درس نخوانده بود. آری [خانهاش در] سرآسیاب بود. نه، نه قبرش سرگُم رفت ما ندیدیم. (نامفهوم) ما دیدیم که شهید شد، خیلی کسان [دیگر هم شهید شد] همان بچه خالهشی همین بچه عمه من همینها هیچ مردگیاش درک ندارد. خیلی دیر بعد قومها جمع شد گفت ما به چشم خود دیدیم کشته شد. آری گفتند طالبها کشته بچُوم که چه رقم کشته. خبر داشتیم یک عکس سیاه و سفید از کابل روان کرده بود، همینطور یگان نشانی روان میکرد احوالش را یگان دکاندار میآورد، گاهی خودش میآمد. تیرماه [خبر شدیم] و پدر و مادرش را شنواندیم. مادرش سهو شد از آن پس خیلی دیوانگی میکرد، گپهای ایله کاله میگفت بیچاره. آری از خاطر همان [مرگ نوجوانش] آب یخ میخورد دیگر چیزی خورده نمیتوانست. بیخی شب در خانه نمیآمد روز تا بیگاه و شب تا صبح را میگشت و میگفت دلم سرخ میآید؛ همینطور میگشت بیچاره. پدرش خوب بود، غنیمت بود به اندازهٔ مادرش کُوتو نمیکرد. [وقتی پدر و مادرش را خبر کردند بعد از آن آنها هیچ سرقبرش نرفتند چون] او گم شد، هیچ قبر نداشت. خیلی آدم خوبی بود، کارگر بود، زحمتکش بود، یگان کَرَد میآورد، ما خیلی... آنطور که... گاه چیز نبود یک روغن نباتی ایلفی بود در همان دوره، برنج پرمل بود، کار که میکرد از آنها به ما میآورد، خوب بود، خیلی بچه قاشواز بود. خانه نمینشست. آنجا کار کردن میرفت، گاهی غزنی میرفت، گاهی کابل گاهی بامیان. آری مجرد بود، خانه دار نبود. دایم او را ازبک میگفت، سید و هزاره به نام اوزبک میشناخت، قد بنلد داشت و خوبشی بود. او دایم کوله پکول سر میکرد. پَک گُم شد. یکدانه قاشق داشت، قاشق قدیمی ارمنه که از او بود. یک ساعتش تا بعدها بود [اما] خراب، اگر بچهها بیرون نینداخته باشند. [پدرش] آری دو سال شده فوت کرده، مادرش یک دو سال پیش [از پدرش فوت کرد] یعنی چهار سال میشود. آری [مادرش تا آخر عمر] یادش را میکرد. مادرش از همان خاطر مریض شد، پای درد شد، کم فکر شد، خیلی کم فکر شد. آری [وقتی زنده بود با پدرش خرج خانه را فراهم میکردند]. پدرش که ماند هم در گردن او(شوهر خدیجه عزیزی) بود و مادرش هم. زیاد نفر که قتل شد هیچ کس هم جستجو نتوانست که پیدا شود، از هیچ کس پیدا نشد. نه، نه هیچ چیزی نگفت [روزی که طرف مزار میرفت] او که میرفت از دشت میرفت و هیچ در قصهاش هم نبود که خبر کنم یا نکنم هیچ در غمش نبود، میرفت همانطور. آری [نترس بود] هیچ در غمش نبود. ما آنجا را ندیدیم، میگفتیم کجایه؟ [میگفتند] کابله! کابل را ندیدیم، مزار را همین حالا هم ندیدهام، کابل را هم آنطور ندیدیم یک بار همانطور گذری رفتیم. میرفت همانجا، ما دیگه سیاسریم ندیدیم که کجا میرود یا نمیرود. باز میآمد، میرفت، قدیم یک خط میآمد. تلفن نبود، نه برق بود نه تلفن بود هیچ چیز هم نبود. در اول [حکومت] کرزی جنراتور پیدا شد که برق آمد. خانه که میآمد هیچ قصه نمیکرد، هیچ چیز نمیگفت.
- Confidential?
- No
Madina Lali
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Female
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Kabul: 34° 31′ 1″ N, 69° 8′ 60″ E
- Description of incident
A suicide bomber detonated an explosive device inside a classroom at Mawoud Educational Academy, where over 240 students were preparing for a university entrance exam. The attack took place at approximately 4:00 pm on August 15, 2018, in the Naqash section of the Hazara-majority Dasht-e-Barchi Neighborhood, PD-18, in western Kabul. At least 50 students were killed, and 67 others were injured; some of them sustained critical injuries. The majority of casualties were high school students under the age of 20 belonging to the Hazara ethnic group. The Islamic State of Khorasan Province (ISIL-KP) asserted responsibility for the attack on Hazaras.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Ebad Ali Naji
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Jalrez: 34° 37′ 46″ N, 68° 39′ 29″ E
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Abdul Rahman
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Tajik
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Shafiqa Bazargan
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Female
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Kabul: 34° 31′ 1″ N, 69° 8′ 60″ E
- Description of incident
The Sayed Al-Shuhada High School attack in Kabul was a devastating suicide bombing that occurred on May 8, 2021. The attack resulted in the tragic loss of approximately 85 lives, most of whom were teenage schoolgirls. Additionally, the incident left 147 people wounded. The bombing took place outside the Sayed Al-Shuhada school in the western outskirt of Kabul Hazara, the dominant area of Dash-et-Barchi.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statemetn
- Confidential?
- No
Khodabakhsh Akbari
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Ramazan Mohammadi
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
AbdulAziz Rezwani
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
KarimBakhsh Haidari
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Hadi Jafari
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Salman Jafari
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Eshaq Mohammadi
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Jan Mohammad Ghulami
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Baba Ali Rahmani
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Ahmad Loqmani
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Jafar Rahimi
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Razia Nazari
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Female
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
HussainAli Sultani
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Zawarshah Amini
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Sayed Ahmad Ansari
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Sadat
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Sayed Abdulhakim Mosawi
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Sadat
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Zia Marefat
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Samad Amini
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Janali Akhlaqi
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered, and dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources, including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Khodadad Mozafari
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered. Dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
SalmanAli Hussaini
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered. Dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Haiatullah Ahmadi
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Malistan: 33° 20′ 48″ N, 67° 12′ 13″ E
- Description of incident
Hundreds of Taliban fighters stormed Malistan District in Ghazni province at the end of July 2021. Taliban fighters seized control of the district following hours of combat with government forces at the time. They immediately initiated search operations, arbitrary detentions, and summary executions of civilians. At least forty civilians, including children and women, were reportedly murdered. Dozens more were arrested and tortured by Taliban combatants throughout the conflict, according to multiple sources including locals and eyewitnesses.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No
Rahmatullah Qasimi
- Photo of Victim
- Gender
- Male
- Ethnicity
- Hazara
- District geolocation of incident
- Ajristan: 33° 49′ 11″ N, 67° 12′ 53″ E
- Description of incident
On April 18, 2015, fourteen Hazara men were traveling from the Malistan District to the Ajristan District in Ghazni, now part of Daikundi Province, to purchase livestock when they were abducted by Taliban fighters. The Taliban demanded that the government release their fighters who were detained and imprisoned by the Ghazni Department of Intelligence. After the government did not comply with their demands, the captives were subjected to several days of severe torture. Subsequently, four of them were beheaded by their captors and the other ten were later released.
- Witness/Survivor Statement
No statement
- Confidential?
- No