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The arrest and disappearance of family members of Ahmad Shah Ahmadzai
- Year of incident
- 1978
A resident of Zarghon Shahr, Logar, claimed that some soldiers came and detained 45 people from Zarghon Shahr, and some of them disappeared
- Year of incident
- 1979
In 1979, five civilians were arrested and subsequently disappeared after being taken into custody by the intelligence services
- Year of incident
- 1979
On May 30, 1992, during fighting between the forces of Junbish-i Milli and Hizb-i Islami in the southeast of Kabul, both sides used artillery and rockets killing and injuring an unknown number of civilians.
- Year of incident
- 1992
On May 5-6, 1992, Hizb-i Islami subjected Kabul to a heavy artillery bombardment, killing and injuring an unknown number of civilians.
- Year of incident
- 1992
A twelve-year-old child was killed by a rocket that landed in the street.
- Year of incident
- 1992
In the conflict of June/July 1992, Shura-i Nazar bombarded Hizb-i Wahdat positions in Kart-iSakhi, Khushhal Khan Mina, Darulaman, Kart-e Seh, and Kart-iChar, causing heavy casualties and destruction of houses.
- Year of incident
- 1992
On June 3, 1992, heavy fighting between forces of Ittihad-i Islami and Hizb-i Wahdat in west Kabul. Both sides used rockets, killing and injuring civilians.
- Year of incident
- 1992
On June 5, 1992, during a conflict between forces of Ittihad and Hizb-i Wahdat in west Kabul both sides used heavy artillery, destroying houses and killing civilians
- Year of incident
- 1992
On November 17, 1993, four aircraft controlled by Shura-i Nazar bombed the bazaar of Sarobi (a town in the east of Kabul Province). This attack killed and wounded many of the shopkeepers of Sarobi and destroyed one mosque.
- Year of incident
- 1993
All the areas of Kart-i Nau were destroyed by indiscriminate rockets of Gulbuddin. One of these rockets hit a house injuring a child.
- Year of incident
- 1993
On March 9, 1993, heavy rocketing in Kabul left tens of victims dead and wounded. The Ministry of Defence blamed Hizb-i Wahdat for the attack and in response launched a heavy weapons bombardment of residential areas controlled by Hizb-i Wahdat, causing heavy casualties and destruction of buildings.
- Year of incident
- 1993
Destruction, Summary Execution, and Forced Displacement in Shamali (1996-2001)
- Year of incident
- 1996