Hazara Traveler Publicly Shamed and Humiliated for Breaking His Fasting, Ghor (2022)
Incident- Date
- Apr 15, 2022
- Year of incident
- 2022
- Province of incident
- Ghor: Firozkoh (Chaghcharan)
- District geolocation of incident
Latitude: 34.5321794641909
Longitude: 65.247013136478
- District geolocation of incident (linked Incident)
- Firozkoh (Chaghcharan)
- Town/Village
- Firozkoh
- Types of incident
- Arrest
- Assault
- Extrad-Judicial Acts
- Public Humiliation
- Conflict parties
- Taliban General Directorate of Intelligence (GDI)
- Haqqani Network (HN)
- Taliban
- Taliban Militant
- Taliban Security (Police) Command
- The Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice of Afghanistan (Taliban)
- Regime in place
- Second Taliban Regime of Afghanistan
- Summary of incident
On April 15, 2022, in the city of Firuzkoh, the capital of Ghor province, Taliban forces targeted a Hazara traveler for allegedly breaking his fast during Ramadan. The traveler, Hossein Ali Rashidi, a resident of Manar village in Lal Wa Sarjangal district, had journeyed to the center of Ghor province to seek medical treatment.
While Rashidi was dining at a hotel, Taliban forces stormed the premises, arresting him. They subjected him to physical violence, including kicking and cursing him with racial slurs in front of onlookers. The Taliban then forced a plate into his mouth and paraded him through the market to instill fear and serve as a public warning.
- Source_1
AHRDO Incident Report
- No of victims involved
- 1