The Taliban attacked a police officer’s house killing the officer’s brother
Incident- Date
- Apr 24, 2020
- Year of incident
- 2020
- Province of incident
- Ghor: Firozkoh (Chaghcharan)
- District geolocation of incident
Latitude: 34.5321794641909
Longitude: 65.247013136478
- District geolocation of incident (linked Incident)
- Firozkoh (Chaghcharan)
- Town/Village
- Teghah-e-Timor
- Conflict parties
- Taliban
- Alleged types of crimes
- War crime: Wilful killing
- Summary of incident
The Taliban attacked a police officer’s house in the village of Teghah-e-Timor in Firoz Koh, killing the officer’s brother.
- Source_1
Afghan War Casualty Report: April 2020, Fahim Abed, New York Times, 30 April 2020, available at
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