The Killing of Mohammad Kazim and His Colleague , Ghor (2021)
Incident- Dates of incident
- Sep 1, 2021 ~ Oct 31, 2021
- Year of incident
- 2021
- Province of incident
- Ghor: Firozkoh (Chaghcharan)
- District geolocation of incident
Latitude: 34.5321794641909
Longitude: 65.247013136478
- District geolocation of incident (linked Incident)
- Firozkoh (Chaghcharan)
- Town/Village
- Firozkoh
- Types of incident
- Abduction
- Assault
- Enforced Disappearance
- Extrad-Judicial Acts
- Hostage taking
- Murder
- Targeted Killing
- Torture
- Conflict parties
- Taliban General Directorate of Intelligence (GDI)
- Haqqani Network (HN)
- Local Militia
- Taliban
- Taliban Militant
- Taliban Security (Police) Command
- Alleged types of crimes
- Act of genocide: Causing serious bodily or mental harm
- Act of genocide: Deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about physical destruction
- Act of genocide: Killing
- Regime in place
- Second Taliban Regime of Afghanistan
- Summary of incident
Mohammad Kazim and his colleague, both of Hazara ethnicity, were engaged in selling coals in Firouzkoh city when they were abducted by ISIS. The kidnappers attempted to transport them outside the city but encountered a Taliban group, leading to a violent clash. Tragically, Mohammad Kazim and his colleague were killed during the conflict. The skirmish also resulted in the deaths of two ISIS members and the injury of one Taliban fighter.
- Source_1
AHRDO Incident Report
- No of victims involved
- 2
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